Unbelievable ... Sasara is scary ...

Unbelievable ... Sasara is scary ...


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Once upon a time there was a very handsome young man. Seeing his beauty, a young woman fell in love with him. This girl is the daughter of King Vassakara Bamuna, the Chief Minister of King Bimbisara of Magadha.
So the youth are also in the Brahmin generation.
Now that the girl was lying in her bed at home, her parents inquired about the matter and planned the marriage.
Who knew that handsome young man had been dating since he was a child? That is Sariputta Thero. So the mind of this young man worked to live a life of twin contentment like that of the great Thero Sariputta. But this young man had all the wealth, power, image ...
So, while preparing for the wedding, this young man went and sewed. The girl who heard about this incident became very angry about this young man. The girl's father was also very angry.

Some time passed and the young monk became a Sovan when he was about 18 years old. Meanwhile, Sariputta Thero fell ill. This young man is going to the city to fetch the medicine needed for this. For some reason this monk throws the bowl away. Unfortunately .... a group of fleeing thieves leave a stolen wallet in this bowl and escape. The princes who came after saw the purse in the bowl and took the monk to the palace.

But ... King Bimbisara is a very pious king who is very fond of the Sasana. See the amount of karma and how they fit properly. At this time the Chief Minister Vassakara was engaged in resolving cases. See how everything fits on time ... This Minister is the father who was ready to marry his daughter. This monk was the father of a young woman who was planning to get married.

In the distance the Minister recognized the monk. No case was heard .. What is the matter ..
Theft .. Hmmm .. Then Ula Thiapiyaw .... Tell me ...

Look, he had a beautiful figure ... he was a noble prince .... he had virtues ... he did no wrong ... what happened now? ..................

But even at this moment, the monk was thinking, "How can I give medicine to my teacher?"

Somehow Sariputta saw this incident through the prophet and informed the Supreme Buddha about it. A group of monks including the Buddha visited this place. The Supreme Buddha preached to the dying monk. The monk became arahat ...

There was merit in becoming a Rahat ...

It is said that this bhikkhu who escaped from this hurricane and ascended to heaven received the permission of the Supreme Buddha and attained Pirinivan.

Later, when the monks inquired about this incident, they preached about a sinful deed committed by this monk in a previous soul.

That is, an ant was bitten by a small blow at a young age, but later removed. That is what happened to this monk in his previous life to end his life on a hula for 500 souls .... Another one angrily told his mother,

Whatever our arguments and debates, karma is of a wonderful nature. We hear and see events like this today.

We can imagine, then, why some who have done wrong live noble lives. And why so many people who live the right lives are insulted in vain ...
It would be better to think of a meaningful life in this young age than to suffer in life when you are old and unable to do anything 

This nature was justified even to the Supreme Buddha ...

Blessings of the Triple Gem ............

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